redefining customer service in website development

More Than a Number: Redefining Customer Service

There’s no argument that technology has transformed almost every aspect of our lives. From how we communicate to the way we shop, digital advancements have revolutionized the way we interact …

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The Importance of Get to Know Your Customers Day

For small businesses, getting to know your clients or customers’ goals, values, and needs is mandatory when developing a great marketing strategy. While ‘Get to Know Your Customers Day’ is …

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Social Media Lurkers: Who Are They?

Anyone who has listened to a talk radio show or popular podcast has probably heard someone call in to say, “Long-time listener, first-time caller.” Wouldn’t it be great if every …

the definition of the word verv: “the spark; enthusiasm or vigor, as in literary or artistic work; spirit; vivaciousness; liveliness; the creativity and expression.”

Vervology: The Who, What, and Why

Quite often, people ask our team what the word “Vervology” actually means, beyond being the name of our company. After that, their questions are usually about how we can help …

someone gardening to show corporate social responsibility and involvement

Successful Corporate Social Responsibility

One major thing that customers are interested in these days is how companies are helping others and making a difference outside of the walls of their stores or offices. In …