Vervology’s Approach to Website Management


The key to website management is to think of the site as a living, breathing thing. It needs to be fed and continuously taken care of, well past its initial launch. That’s our philosophy at Vervology and the one we want to share with you today.

A website is not a set-it-and-forget-it type of solution to building your online presence. It needs continuous care, content updates, and service requirements. This may sound overwhelming, but that’s why today’s article is centered around some of the ways Vervology manages websites. We have a few tips from our team to yours, as well as a few considerations for after your new website launches.

What is Website Management?

Much like the name suggests, website management is anything you do to keep your site up to date and running at its optimal level. This might include continuously updating your blog, if you have one. If you have changes in hours or updates regarding business practices, this should be shown on the site as well.

Website management can also refer to more technical practices, such as software updates and security patches. For instance, someone in charge of website management might regularly run audits to ensure your site is working properly. They could also manage search engine optimization.

Why Does Website Management Matter?

Besides having a professional-looking website with up-to-date content, website management is important for a numbers of reasons.

If there is someone who is constantly monitoring your website and its performance, it makes it much harder for hackers to launch cyberattacks against it. This helps keep your information safe and your domain secure.

A well-maintained website gives your company a polished look, increasing interest from customers and establishing credibility. It also helps your brand, serving as a strong representation of what your business does and what its ideals are.

Plus, Inside Design reported that 88% of online customers will not return to a website after a poor experience. This means that users are scrutinizing each aspect of your website. You want it to be as professional as it can be in order to give the best impression each time someone visits.

Vervology’s Approach to Website Management

Whenever Vervology partners with a small business, we are proud to say that we tailor our services to meet that clients’ needs. However, there are a few key aspects of website management that our expert team feels would be important to highlight.

Hosting and Maintenance

When hosting your website with a third party, they are essentially put in charge of your site’s database and any of the files that accompany it. They also help ensure that it is running quickly and that its functionality is in-tact.

This encompasses one of the most basic functions a customer expects of a website: that it’s working properly. If the site isn’t loading quickly or properly, or if it seems unsecure or unreliable, users will not spend much time on it before deciding that it isn’t trustworthy.

Content Strategy

When partnering with a third party like Vervology, they will also work with you to make sure your content is updated and relevant. If your website hasn’t experienced any significant content changes since it launched, this is most likely hurting your brand perception.

There should be someone that is consistently monitoring your content to make sure the information you’re providing is accurate and well-edited, but also interesting. It should be something your audience wants to read and interact with. The third party should work with you to make updates as they come about.

Digital Brand Experience

When it comes to your online brand, it’s important to know that everything is consistent and looks professional. And checking this on your website and social media platforms can dig out a considerable amount of time from focusing on your day-to-day business goals.

That’s where a third party like Vervology fits in. They will be at the forefront of your digital branding to make sure that all of your messages are consistent and that your voice is being projected. Any references to your company will have appropriate branding materials that fit the exact scheme that you’ve created. And they will do all of this while your efforts are concentrated on your business.

Putting It All Together

Website management can be a full-time job just on its own. There are several variables that go into making sure a site not only looks professional, but is also running at its optimal level. However, it’s also extremely necessary to have someone continually monitoring your platform. Otherwise, you risk sending disenfranchised customers who are looking for your content online to competitors.

At Vervology, we specialize in handling the backend maintenance and content of your website while you put all of your efforts into your business. If you’re interested in starting a partnership, reach out to us. We would love the opportunity to help.